
Friday, March 15, 2013

Some Things to Look Forward to

I got quite a bit of good news this week (in addition to the good news that it’s FINALLY spring break!). First of all, I have the opportunity to interview for a marketing/PR internship this summer, which would be a great opportunity for me to gain experience and learn what kind of PR environment I eventually want to work in. I’m really excited about it; I’ve been waiting for a while to go out and see what it’ll be like to work in my career field, especially since I’ll be graduating and starting to look for a real job next summer. (ugh I do NOT want to think about that…)

But the big news I received this week is that I was accepted into an intentional housing program at my school. The basics of this program are that I go out into the city of Grand Rapids and live in a house with other upperclassmen and a resident mentor associated with my school. We make a commitment to spend time with each other and time with the people of our neighborhood. Each house (there are 5 total) hosts community events and commits to a certain number of hours volunteering and working to improve and support the community it’s located in.

I’m super excited to be able to really plug into the city of Grand Rapids and invest in the people around me. Volunteer work has always been something that’s brought me so much joy; being able to connect with people different than you and commit to bettering someone outside of yourself is a truly awesome 
experience. I love every minute of it.

I’m excited to get to know the city better too. I’ve lived my whole life less than two hours south of Grand Rapids, and I’ve actually lived within the city for the past 3 years, but I still feel like I don’t really know Grand Rapids very well. Since I’ll most likely find myself in an urban environment for my future career, it’s possible that I might end up staying here. If I do, then it’s important that I know the city where I’ll be living, and connecting to a neighborhood through this program gives me such a great opportunity to do so.

 Downtown Grand Rapids

I’m just really excited about the whole thing. And hey, after the past few weeks, I could use some good news.

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